Protocol No. 11 - Kritik
- Publisher: Verlag der Universität der Künste Berlin
- 207 pages, German/Engl.
- Publication year: 2017
The Protocol is an interdisciplinary and independent platform for current discourses in architecture - freely following the concept: architecture in context. The independent student magazine was initiated and edited by students of the architecture program at the Berlin University of the Arts. As a self-organized publication project by students, Protocol aims to expand common ways of looking at architecture. With the Call for Contributions, the editors specify a topic for each new issue, which is freely edited by all interested parties.
The 11th issue deals with the topic "Criticism".
Doesn't architecture ultimately also only argue with images instead of words? Who does itwant to please? - The diversity of the evaluators and their evaluation perspectives are reflected in the criticism of the clients, the architects and the public.
Architectural criticism is expressed, among other things, in negotiations with the client, in interim and final critiques in the context of teaching, in jury reports in competition procedures, and in reviews in architectural journalism. But when is it constructive, when is it apodictic?
Constructive architectural criticism requires the claim of constant self-questioning and the will to further develop one's own judgment with expressed and accepted criticism.
Learn more about Protocol here.